Under Pressure

Under Pressure

‘Under Pressure’ (the David Bowie and Queen version) is probably one of my all-time favourite songs. If it were a movie I’d give it 10 pumpkins. It’s perfect.

It’s perfect for describing how I’ve felt in the lead-up to my 30th birthday. Not content with just sliding into a new decade like most folk, I decided it would be more appropriate to skydive into my thirties with a whole list of youthful challenges completed.

Of course, as the big day drew closer so did the Top 30 Challenge deadline…

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Guest Post: What’s a Sherrin?

Guest Post: What’s a Sherrin?

By Karen B.

When Amanda first told me about her “30 things to do before she turns 30” list, I thought wow! That’s awesome!

When she followed it up by saying that she was asking her friends and family to populate the list, the thought was, wow! She’s game!

For those of you who know me, you will know that I am “a bit” of a sports nut. So it is quite ironic that my oldest friend is, simply put, possibly the furthest thing from it. There has been more than the odd occasion where I have been on the receiving end of rolling eyes when sport related topics or footy plans come up…

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The Amanda Race

The Amanda Race

Challenge number 28 on the Top 30 Countdown dared me to ‘Spend a week’s wage on a night out‘.

That’s my kind of “challenge”!

I umm’d and ahh’d about this one for pretty much the entire year. Should I gamble it all away on a single spin of the roulette wheel? Should I rent a stretch Hummer and drive around Sydney sipping champagne and lording it all over everyone? I even briefly considered an international trip, but thought better of it when I checked out my rather grim looking annual leave balance.

In the end I decided that the best way to blow a week’s wage would be to spend it all celebrating with my closest friends and family – so, last night, that’s exactly what I did!

… but not before running around Sydney dressed in a police outfit inviting strangers to dance ‘Gangnam Style’ for the camera…

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Movie Review: No 60. A Clockwork Orange

Movie Review: No 60. A Clockwork Orange

I came here to drink milk and kick ass… and I’ve just finished my milk.

Ok, that’s not a quote from this movie… but it should be!

My challenger, Tara, came over last night to join me in watching the last of the imdb Top 100 movies. ‘A Clockwork Orange’ was her choice for the final film. I’d just like to point that out because I do not care to take responsibility for the infliction of that gruesomeness upon my otherwise happy home.



Sure, there might still be 4 days left of the Top 30 Countdown challenge, but I’m calling this one early.

I will NOT be completing challenge number 16, ‘Court-side tickets at Madison Square Garden‘.

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Guest Post: Postulations of a Tortured Soul

Guest Post: Postulations of a Tortured Soul

By Mitch D.

Authors Note: The following article contains liberal doses (dollops, even) of sarcasm. Please proceed with your tongue firmly implanted into your cheek.

I must confess, I am disappointed.

No, my friends, not the utter disappointment that arises when the Blues lose the State of Origin again, or when Steph returns and creates havoc on Ramsay Street and causes pain in the lives of your favourite peeps. No, this is just a mild feeling…

Of let-downedness…

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Movie Review: No 3. The Godfather: Part II

Movie Review: No 3. The Godfather: Part II

♫ Been spending most our lives living in the gangsta’s paradise ♫
♫ Keep spending most our lives living in the gangsta’s paradise ♫

Well, I might as well embrace it right? The imdb Top 100 list is certainly a gangsta’s paradise… and I feel like I’ve been spent most (of the past year of) my life living in it!

I’m 29 now, but will I live to see 30 (oh)
The way things are goin’ I don’t know 

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Movie Review: No 89. Metropolis

Movie Review: No 89. Metropolis

The credits for ‘Metropolis’ give a fair indication of what you can expect from the film:

‘Grot, the Guardian of the Heart-Machine’ played by Heinrich George
‘The Creative Man’, ‘The Machine Man’, ‘Death’, ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’, and ‘Maria’ played by Brigitte Helm

Oh, and there’s a sculptor too. But he’s not a character – he was responsible for the creation of the robot costume…


Movie Review: No 65. Das Boot

Movie Review: No 65. Das Boot

There are only “nein” days left of my challenge, so now seems a highly appropriate time to review another German movie!

Allow me to introduce you to the movie ‘Das Boot’ by way of an analogy:

Watching ‘Das Boot’ is a lot like playing a game of ‘Battleship’…