Tag Archives: top 100

Movie Review: No 60. A Clockwork Orange

Movie Review: No 60. A Clockwork Orange

I came here to drink milk and kick ass… and I’ve just finished my milk.

Ok, that’s not a quote from this movie… but it should be!

My challenger, Tara, came over last night to join me in watching the last of the imdb Top 100 movies. ‘A Clockwork Orange’ was her choice for the final film. I’d just like to point that out because I do not care to take responsibility for the infliction of that gruesomeness upon my otherwise happy home.

Movie Review: No 3. The Godfather: Part II

Movie Review: No 3. The Godfather: Part II

♫ Been spending most our lives living in the gangsta’s paradise ♫
♫ Keep spending most our lives living in the gangsta’s paradise ♫

Well, I might as well embrace it right? The imdb Top 100 list is certainly a gangsta’s paradise… and I feel like I’ve been spent most (of the past year of) my life living in it!

I’m 29 now, but will I live to see 30 (oh)
The way things are goin’ I don’t know 

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Movie Review: No 89. Metropolis

Movie Review: No 89. Metropolis

The credits for ‘Metropolis’ give a fair indication of what you can expect from the film:

‘Grot, the Guardian of the Heart-Machine’ played by Heinrich George
‘The Creative Man’, ‘The Machine Man’, ‘Death’, ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’, and ‘Maria’ played by Brigitte Helm

Oh, and there’s a sculptor too. But he’s not a character – he was responsible for the creation of the robot costume…


Movie Review: No 65. Das Boot

Movie Review: No 65. Das Boot

There are only “nein” days left of my challenge, so now seems a highly appropriate time to review another German movie!

Allow me to introduce you to the movie ‘Das Boot’ by way of an analogy:

Watching ‘Das Boot’ is a lot like playing a game of ‘Battleship’…

Movie Review: No 98. Princess Mononoke

Movie Review: No 98. Princess Mononoke

Worst. Movie. Ever.

I’m not even exaggerating. I’ve watched a shedload of terrible movies since I started this challenge but none, not even ‘Once Upon a Time in the West‘, can compare to the sheer shiteness of this piece of Japanese garbage.

Movie Review: No 58. The Lives of Others

Movie Review: No 58. The Lives of Others

Those who know me know that I am a big fan of colour. I love colour. Colour makes me happy. Watching over 2 hours of “50 shades of brown and grey” does not. Although, for those playing at home, there are plenty of sex scenes (if you’re into that kind of thing!)

You’ve gotta give it to them… the many slight variations of brown and grey in this supposedly ‘colour’ film would rival a Dulux paint chart. It’s almost as bleak as the detox diet I started this week.

The film is set in the 80s. I was born in the 80s and I distinctly remember it being a colourful era. Not so for the poor East Germans…

Movie Review: No 76. Chinatown

Movie Review: No 76. Chinatown

This movie has received the following accolades:

  • The line “Forget it, Jake, it’s Chinatown.” was voted as the #74 movie quote by the American Film Institute and #71 by Premiere (it also featured on The Simpsons);
  • In 2007, the American Film Institute ranked it as the #21 Greatest Movie of All Time;
  • In 2008, the American Film Institute ranked it #2 on the list of the 10 greatest films in the ‘Mystery’ genre;
  • It’s number 76 on imdb’s Top 250 movies list; and…
  • It has now received 4 lousy, stinkin’, semi-rotten pumpkins on the Top 30 Countdown scale of overall movie whelmingness.

A much worthier film once posed the question, “I know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?”

And to that I say “Yes. Watch this movie”.

Movie Review: No 62. Life is Beautiful

Movie Review: No 62. Life is Beautiful

If, like me, you grew up in the 80s and 90s, you will remember these fun-loving city-slickers:


But, if I were to tell you that watching ‘Life is Beautiful’ is like watching a feature-length episode of ‘Perfect Strangers’, what would you say to me?

I hope you’d say, “Don’t be ridi-cool-us”.

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Movie Review: No 73. The Great Dictator

Movie Review: No 73. The Great Dictator

Charlie Chaplin could talk! Who knew?

Yes, this 1940 masterpiece shows Chaplin in all his verbal glory. In fact, the film’s closing speech left me… well… speechless myself. I’d love to quote the whole thing to you but I’m afraid you’re just going to have to watch the entire film to the very end to see what I am talking about. After all, that’s where the true joy of this film lies and I’d hate to steal it from you before you’ve even seen it! Let’s just put it this way – he gives Churchill, Martin X and all the other great historical orators a run for their gut-stirring money.

So… while we’re waiting for you to get around to watching it yourself, I’ll mention a couple of other things…

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