Monthly Archives: March 2013

I’m outta here!

I’m outta here!

By this time tomorrow I’ll be on a plane well on  my way to Dubai from where, after a brief stopover (just long enough to stretch legs and change planes) I will head to Delhi.

This holiday has snuck up on me, like so many before it. We (as in, me and my Aunty Wendy) booked it ages ago, handed over our money, and then I pretty much forgot about it! It is usually my style to leave packing to the day before and my excitement to international departures.

For those of you who’ve been asking what I’ll see when I’m there (and who have met, without exception, with a blank stare and a shrug) here is the itinerary:

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Movie Review: No 23. The Silence of the Lambs

Movie Review: No 23. The Silence of the Lambs

As many of my friends and family would know, I have a terrible memory. My mum has accused me of “manufacturing memories”, my only defense being that without my brain concocting memories out of thin air I would probably have none at all.

On a rare occasion, my dodgy memory is actually a blessing in disguise. It allows me to re-read books and re-watch movies with all the wonder and suspense of a first viewing. Most of the time, however, having a dodgy memory is a real pain in the butt.

To get around this frustrating problem, I rely almost exclusively on my calendar and written notes to make sure I turn up where I need to be and don’t miss any important birthdays.

Unfortunately, even this strategy is not fail-safe… as I very recently discovered thanks to ‘The Silence of the Lambs’.

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Movie Review: No 90. Raging Bull

Movie Review: No 90. Raging Bull

I’m getting towards the end of the imdb Top 100 list now… and it’s just as well because, even though I tried not to, I’ve still managed to leave a lot of the dodgy ones till last.

Now, before I start I should probably begin with a warning. There are 4 movies directed by Scorsese in the Top 100 and I’ve already watched all the others and given them the following ratings:

  • Goodfellas (7 pumpkins)
  • Taxi Driver (5 pumpkins)
  • The Departed (6 pumpkins)

To many, these ratings would be the highest form of sacrilege. To me, it’s what I like to call generosity. Generosity of the highest order to the man I like to refer to as “Snoresese“.

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Movie Review: No 79. LA Confidential

Movie Review: No 79. LA Confidential

It”s been over a month since I finished watching ‘LA Confidential’ and probably more than 2 or 3 months since I started watching it.

I don’t know what it is about this film that made me so uninspired to continue with it. Given that I really enjoyed ‘The Usual Suspects‘, and this film is quite similar to that (Rolo Thomasi/Kaiser Soze, it’s all the same to me), it may just be down to a simple case of timing.

Then again, there may be a more decisive factor at play.

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