Monthly Archives: January 2013

Movie Review: No 95. The Bridge on the River Kwai

Movie Review: No 95. The Bridge on the River Kwai

There are black and white movies and there are colour movies, and now… for the first time… I introduce you to….

Sepia movies!

Brown, brown, brown, that’s what it’s all about people! It’s like sitting and watching an instagram for the better part of 3 hours. Fun for the whole family!

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Movie Review: No 42. City Lights

Movie Review: No 42. City Lights

There are three Charlie Chaplin films in the imdb Top 100. It seems very unfair (and more than a little boring for me), but I can see how it happened.

It happened that way because voters like me find it almost impossible to rank the films based on any modern standard. It would be unfair, of course, to compare these silent films to something dripping with special effects. In many ways, I respect the early filmmakers more for their creativity in the face of many limitations (as opposed to now, where the possibilities are almost limitless). So, we rank these films high out of respect for their historical significance rather than out of genuine enjoyment, and so they continue to thrive.

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Movie Review: No 99. Pan’s Labyrinth

Movie Review: No 99. Pan’s Labyrinth

A fantasy film – we’re in dangerous territory already.

Then again, if there’s any fantasy I can enjoy, it is the fantasy of a labyrinth or secret garden. I have often said that one day I hope to own a home with secret passages and hidden rooms…

Dear Millionaires

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Movie Review: No 7. Schindler’s List

Movie Review: No 7. Schindler’s List

What do you say about Schindler’s List?

What can you say?

It is an epic and intensely depressing film. Although it displays many minor historical inaccuracies in what is otherwise a true story, no doubt its depressing nature stems from how closely it resembles the World War II reality in so many ways.

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Guest Post: We aren’t all built for adventure

Guest Post: We aren’t all built for adventure

By Bronwyn L.

About 15 years ago now, I was one of a group of Mums who decided to do something very silly and a little bit daring……..we had a pyjama party morning tea! We had to drive to one friend’s place in our pyjamas with mudpacks on our faces. We then ate and played some games, including Scruples, and spoke of plans for other daring adventures. One of the suggestions made at the time was to go away for a weekend, turning up at the airport with just a handbag and credit card and then to go on a shopping spree to buy what we needed plus a little bit more.

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The Awakening

The Awakening

At approximately 9.30 this morning, Andy and I set off to complete Top 30 Challenge number 13, ‘Go wakeboarding’!

As previously mentioned, the challenge was set by my soon-to-be sister-in-law, Ally.

I have to admit, I was pretty nervous when we left, and it didn’t get much better over the hour and a half drive to the Hawksbury River takeoff point.

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Serenity Now!

Serenity Now!

For the second day in a row, Andy is sitting beside me watching a YouTube video of NFL players being ridiculously dubbed.

It’s hilarious. I know this, of course, because he’s cackling away to himself like some sort of half-deranged hyena.

I find this cruel in the extreme because I’m still 23 days away from being allowed to watch television in any form (not that anyone’s counting) and I wanna see!

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Wake up to yourself

Wake up to yourself

As I previously mentioned, my sister and her boyfriend (who we affectionately refer to as “Jam Master J” for reasons either unknown to me or best forgotten) gifted Andy and I a wakeboarding experience as an engagement present.

As I approach the big three-oh (165 days to go – not that anyone’s counting), I am starting to feel my age. Gifts like that really make me feel a whole lot better because they make me feel like I am still young enough for someone to think it’s a good idea.

I’m just wondering whether I’ll still be thinking it’s such a good idea at around 11am this Sunday, when Andy and I embark on said wakeboarding experience.

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