Monthly Archives: April 2013

There’s nothing like old friends to make you feel young

There’s nothing like old friends to make you feel young

It’s apt that my twentieth challenge completed should be the twentieth from the list: ‘Share one last weekend with the Canada girls in your twenties’!

Would you believe it has been over 8 years since we all last managed to be in the same place at the same time?! I guess it’s harder when you don’t have the lure of free drinks and dodgy early naughties pop music to draw us in, but we did the math and realised the last time we all managed to be in the same place at the same time it was for mine and India’s 21st birthdays! There have been a few occasions where we managed to get three of us together, but we obviously had such a great experience on our travels that we just haven’t stopped since. With homes spanning Cairns to Melbourne, it’s no surprise that even when we’re in the same country it’s not always convenient for the four of us to catch up.

Like all old friends, however, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been apart…

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Movie Review: No 13. Seven Samurai

Movie Review: No 13. Seven Samurai

What do you get when you cross bad bald caps, weird eyebrows and rice wine?

You get a Kurosawa film of course!

I can’t decide which is his signature; the weird eyebrows or the overacting.

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How times have changed…

How times have changed…

Proceedings for the reunion with my Canada Girls have kicked off in style! Sure, our version of “Style” has changed somewhat in recent years, as evidenced by the fact that we’ve spent all day working around the kitchen table instead of spending all day obsessing about the latest dramas at Minglewoods…

But, then again, maybe that’s just because Sarah isn’t here yet?!

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Movie Review: No 67. Requiem for a Dream

Movie Review: No 67. Requiem for a Dream

Marion: Anybody wanna waste some time?

Spoiler alert! This movie is not a dream, it’s a nightmare.

Had I a more solid vocabulary I might even have been about to tell you that before I watched it.

1. (esp. in the Roman Catholic Church) A Mass for the repose of the souls of the dead.
2. A musical composition setting parts of such a Mass, or of a similar character.

In this case, sadly, it is the dreams that meet their untimely demise.

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Movie Review: No 93. 2001: A Space Odyssey

Movie Review: No 93. 2001: A Space Odyssey

Picture this: It’s 1968, I’m Stanley Kubrik and I’ve got the grooviest of ideas. I’m gonna make a movie about space, man. Man hasn’t even landed on the moon yet, man, but I’m gonna do it.

And I’m gonna start this movie… about space… with the dawn of man…


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Guest Post: Travelling India and Nepal

Guest Post: Travelling India and Nepal

By Wendy G.

It’s amazing how quickly you adapt. At home you would be horrified and shocked if your taxi driver had to swerve to avoid a  cyclist, pedestrian, oncoming traffic and a cow in quick succession, especially if you had no doors! After one week you apparently can take it in your stride without blinking.

Also you blithely risk life and limb by walking along the pitted road to avoid the holes, hawkers, cow poo and other excrement on the foot path. Happily weaving your way in front of trucks and buses confident that they will somehow manage to avoid hitting you. You even allow perfect strangers to cover you in powdered dye from head to toe,  smiling and laughing all the while. This is the power of India.

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